《The Very Lonely Firefly》

英文绘本《The Very Lonely Firefly》




《The Very Lonely Firefly》  第1张

《The Very Lonely Firefly》 绘本内容

《The Very Lonely Firefly》  第2张

As the sun set a little firefly was born. 太阳落山时,一只小萤火虫诞生了,

It streched its wings and flew off into the darkening night.它张开翅膀,飞进了黑暗的天空。

《The Very Lonely Firefly》  第3张

It was a lonely firefly and it flashed its light searching for other fireflies.这是一只寂寞的萤火虫,它闪烁着萤光寻找着其他的萤火虫。

《The Very Lonely Firefly》  第4张

The firefly saw a light and flew toward it. 萤火虫看到了一束光,它向着它飞去。

But it was not another firefly. 结果发现它不是另外一只萤火虫,

It was a lightbulb lighting up the night.它是一个灯泡,照亮着黑夜。

《The Very Lonely Firefly》  第5张

The firefly saw a light and flew toward it.萤火虫看到了一束光,它向着它飞去。 

But it was not another firefly.结果发现它不是另外一只萤火虫, 

It was a candle flickering in the night.它是一支蜡烛,在黑夜里闪烁。

《The Very Lonely Firefly》  第6张

The firefly saw a light and flew toward it. 萤火虫看到了一束光,它向着它飞去。

But it was not another firefly.结果发现它不是另外一只萤火虫,

It was a flashlight shining in the night. 它是一支手电筒在夜里闪亮。

《The Very Lonely Firefly》  第7张

The firefly saw a light and flew toward it.萤火虫看到了一束光,它向着它飞去。

 But it was not another firefly.结果发现它不是另外一只萤火虫,

 It was a lantern glowing in the night.它是一个灯笼,在夜里发光。

《The Very Lonely Firefly》  第8张

The firefly saw several lights and flew toward them. 萤火虫看到了好几束光,它向着它们飞去。

But they were not other fireflies. 结果发现它们不是萤火虫,

There was a dog and它们是一只狗...

《The Very Lonely Firefly》  第9张

... a cat and 一只猫和..

《The Very Lonely Firefly》  第10张

an owl, 一只猫头鹰。

their eyes reflecting the lights.它们的眼睛里反射着光。

《The Very Lonely Firefly》  第11张

The firefly saw a light and flew toward it. 萤火虫看到了一束光,它向着它飞去。

But it was not another firefly. 结果发现它不是另外一只萤火虫,

It was a car s headlights flooding the night. 它是一辆汽车的前灯,照亮着夜晚。

《The Very Lonely Firefly》  第12张

The firefly saw many lights and flew toward them. 萤火虫看到了好多好多的光,它向着它们飞去。

But they were not other fireflies. 结果发现它们不是萤火虫,

They were fireworks sparkling and glittering and shimmering in the night.它们是烟花,在夜空里闪闪发光。

《The Very Lonely Firefly》  第13张

When all was quiet, the firefly flew through the night,当一切都安静了,萤火虫闪烁着萤火,

flashing its lights looking and searching again. 再次飞进夜色里,寻寻觅觅。

Then the very lonely firefly saw what it had been looking for...然后这只非常寂寞的萤火虫看到了它一直在寻找的…

《The Very Lonely Firefly》  第14张

A group of fireflies, flashing their lights. 一群萤火虫,闪烁着荧火。

Now the firefly wasn t lonely anymore.现在,这只萤火虫再也不孤单了。

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