《The Bird Feeder》

英文绘本《The Bird Feeder》


海尼曼是由英国Heinemann出版的一套非常经典的分级读物,海尼曼(Heinemann)是英国哈考特教育出版公司的子公司,英国哈考特教育出版公司是世界最大的教育出版商之一,为全球第三大教育出版集团,隶属于在全球享有盛誉的英荷出版巨头里德·艾尔斯维尔出版集团(Reed Elsevier PLC group)。其出版中心分布世界各地。同其他大型教育出版社相比,哈考特教育图书更“专”,更注重教育性,更注重可用性。

《The Bird Feeder》 第1张

《The Bird Feeder》 第2张

Nana loved to watch birds.娜娜喜欢看鸟。

She tossed seeds on the ground.她把种子扔在地上。

Birds came to eat the seeds, and Nana watched them hop and peck and flap.鸟儿来吃种子,娜娜看着它们跳跃、啄和拍打。

But sometimes the birds didn’t get the seeds.但有时鸟儿没有得到种子。

“Look at those squirrels ” Nana said. “They are eating all the seeds.”“看看那些松鼠。”娜娜说。“他们正在吃掉所有的种子。”

《The Bird Feeder》 第3张

“We can fix that,” said Rose.“我们可以解决这个问题,”罗斯说。

“We’ll make a bird feeder,” said Matt.“我们要做一个喂鸟器,”马特说。

Rose and Matt made a bird feeder. They set it up outside in the yard .罗斯和马特做了一个喂鸟器。他们把它放在外面的院子里。

“Now you can watch the birds again,” Rose said.“现在你可以再看鸟了,”罗斯说。

《The Bird Feeder》 第4张

But the squirrels still came to eat the seeds.但是松鼠还是来吃种子的。

“Those squirrels!” Nana cried. “Look at them climb that pole. They’re taking the birds’ food.”“那些松鼠!”娜娜喊道。“看他们爬上那根杆子。他们在拿鸟的食物。”

So Rose and Matt cut some tin. They made a cone and put it on the pole.于是罗斯和马特切了一些罐头。他们做了一个圆锥体放在杆子上。

《The Bird Feeder》 第5张

“Now the squirrels can’t climb the pole,” said Rose.“现在松鼠爬不上杆子了,”罗斯说。

But the squirrels still got to the feeder.但松鼠们还是找到了喂食器。

“Look at that squirrel jump!” Nana cried. “It jumped all the way from the tree to get the seeds.”“看那只松鼠跳起来了!”娜娜喊道。“它从树上一路跳下来取种子。”

“We’ll fix that,” Rose said.“我们会解决的,”罗斯说。

“How?” Nana asked.“怎么回事?”娜娜问道。

“I don’t know,” Rose said.“我不知道,”罗斯说。

《The Bird Feeder》 第6张

Rose and Matt made more bird feeders.罗斯和马特做了更多的喂鸟器。

They made feeders that twirled and feeders that tipped and feeders that swung.他们制造旋转的喂食器、倾斜的喂食器和摆动的喂食器。

They made one feeder that had balloons and pinwheels, too.他们制作了一个有气球和风车的喂食器。

They hung up all the bird feeders.他们把所有的喂鸟器都挂了。

Then they watched.然后他们看着。

Squirrels climbed.松鼠爬了上去。

Squirrels swung.松鼠摆动着。

Squirrels leaped(hop and jump跳跃).松鼠跳跃。

《The Bird Feeder》 第7张

“That’s the best one!” Rose said.“那是最好的一个!”罗斯说。

She pointed at the biggest feeder.她指着最大的喂食器。

“The birds can use it, but the squirrels can’t,” she said.“鸟类可以使用它,但松鼠不能,”她说。

So Rose and Matt took down all the other feeders.于是罗斯和马特把所有其他的喂食器都取了下来。

The birds looked happy.鸟儿们看起来很高兴。

But Nana looked a little sad.但是娜娜看起来有点难过。

“I think Nana misses the squirrels,” Matt said.“我想娜娜很想念松鼠,”马特说。

“They were fun to watch,” said Rose.“他们看得很有趣,”罗斯说。

《The Bird Feeder》 第8张

So they put all the feeders back up.所以他们把所有的喂食器都放回原处。

Then the birds and the squirrels all had plenty to eat.然后,鸟儿和松鼠都有了充足的食物。

And everyone loved to watch them, until (直到). . .每个人都喜欢看他们,直到(直到). . .

《The Bird Feeder》 第9张

So they put all the feeders back up.所以他们把所有的喂食器都放回原处。

Then the birds and the squirrels all had plenty to eat.然后,鸟儿和松鼠都有了充足的食物。

And everyone loved to watch them, until . . .每个人都喜欢看他们,直到. . .

促销价:10 积分 原价:25 积分


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