《The Grouchy Ladybug》

英文绘本《The Grouchy Ladybug》



之前跟大家分享过卡尔爷爷的一些经典绘本,比如《好饿的毛毛虫》,《好忙的蜘蛛》等,今天分享的是他另一部作品《The Grouchy Ladybug》,这个故事设计巧妙,画风细腻,文中出现了不少动物,昆虫的词汇,除了学习到很多陌生单词外,反复出现的句式容易模仿,孩子们还能从主角瓢虫的傲慢中领悟到一些待人接物的道理,也是一本很好的情商培养绘本。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第1张


Eric Carle

《The Grouchy Ladybug》故事全文

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第2张

It was night and some fireflies danced around the moon.这是一个美好的夜晚,萤火虫们围着月亮翩翩起舞。

At five O'clock in the morning the sun came up.早晨5点,太阳公公起床了。

A friendly ladybug flew in from the left.一只友善的瓢虫从左边飞来。

It saw a leaf with many aphids on it,and decided to have them for breakfast.它看见一片树叶上布满了蚜虫,它决定把它们当做自己的早餐。

But just then a grouchy ladybug flew in from the right.这时,一只爱生气的瓢虫从右边飞了过来。

It too saw the aphids and wanted them for breakfast.它也看见了那些蚜虫,想把它们当自己的早餐。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第3张

"Good morning,"said the friendly ladybug.早上好,友善的瓢虫对爱生气的瓢虫打了个招呼。

"Go away!"shouted the grouchy ladybug. "I want those aphids"走开!爱生气的瓢虫大声说,“那些都是我的蚜虫

。"We can share them."suggested the friendly ladybug.让我们一起分享它们吧。”友善的瓢虫提了个建议。

"No. They are mine, all mine,"screamed the grouchy ladybug.不行。它们是我的,全都是我的。”爱生气的瓢虫嚷了起来,

"Or do you want to fight me for them?"难道你想打一架来赢得它们吗?”

"If you insist."answered the friendly ladybug sweetly.如果你坚持的话,那就来吧。”友善的瓢虫回答道。

It looked the other bug straight in the eye.盯着爱生气瓢虫说。

The grouchy ladybug stepped back. It looked less sure of itself.爱生气的瓢虫往后退了一步,它看上去有点胆怯。

"Oh, you are not big enough for me to fight,"it said.哼,论到打架,你的个儿还太小。

"Then why don't you pick on somebody bigger?"那你怎么不找找个个儿大的试试?

"I'll do that!"Screeched the grouchy ladybug.我这就去,爱生气的瓢虫高叫道。

"I'll show you!"It puffed it self up and flew off.我要让你看看我的厉害。说完,它趾高气扬的飞走了。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第4张

At six O'clock,it met a yellow jacket.早晨6点,爱生气的瓢虫遇见了一只小黄蜂。

"Hey, you,"said the grouchy ladybug. "Want to fight?"嗨,想打一架吗?”瓢虫挑衅地说。

"If you insist,"said the yellow jacket, showing its stinger.如果你想,那就来吧。”小黄蜂露出它的小刺。

"Oh, you're not big enough"said the grouchy ladybug and flew off.噢,你还是太小了,算了吧。”瓢虫说完,飞走了。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第5张

At seven o'clock,it saw a stag bettle.早晨7点,爱生气的瓢虫遇见了一只锹形虫。

"Hey you,"said the grouchy ladybug."Want to fight?"嗨,你。想打一架吗?

"If you insist,"said the stag beetle,opening its jaws.如果你想,那就来吧。”锹形虫张开它的颌齿。

"Oh,you're not big enough,"said the grouchy ladybug and flew off.噢,你还是太小了,算了吧。”瓢虫说完,飞走了。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第6张

At eight o'clock,it came across a praying mantis.早晨8点,爱生气的瓢虫碰到了一只螳螂。

"Hey you,"said the grouchy ladybug."Want to fight?"嗨,你。想打一架吗?”

"If you insist,"said the praying mantis ,reaching out its long front legs.如果你想,那就来吧。”螳螂伸出它长长的前腿。

"Oh,you're not big enough,"said the grouchy ladybug and flew off.噢,你还是太小了,算了吧。”瓢虫说完,走了。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第7张

At nine o'clock,it almost flew into a sparrow.早晨9点,爱生气的瓢虫碰到了一只麻雀。

"Hey you,"said the grouchy ladybug."Want to fight?"嗨,你。想打一架吗?”

"If you insist,"said the sparrow, opening its sharp beak.如果你想,那就来吧。”麻雀张开它尖尖的鸟喙。

"Oh,you're not big enough,"said the grouchy ladybug and flew off.噢,你还是太小了,算了吧。”瓢虫说完,飞走了。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第8张

At ten o'clock,it saw a lobster.早晨10点,爱生气的瓢虫碰到了一只龙虾。

"Hey you,"said the grouchy ladybug."Want to fight?"嗨,你。想打一架吗?”

"If you insist,"said the lobster,stretching its claws.如果你想,那就来吧。”龙虾伸展了一下它的螯钳。

"Oh,you're not big enough,"said the grouchy ladybug and flew off.噢,你还是太小了,算了吧。”瓢虫说完,飞走了。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第9张

At eleven o'clock,it bumped into a skunk.早晨11点,爱生气的瓢虫碰到了一只臭鼬。

"Hey you,"said the grouchy ladybug."Want to fight?"嗨,你。想打一架吗?”

"If you insist,"said the skunk,starting to lift its tail.如果你想,那就来吧。”臭鼬竖起它的尾巴。

"Oh,you're not big enough,"said the grouchy ladybug and flew off.噢,你还是太小了,算了吧。”瓢虫说完,飞走了。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第10张

At twelve noon,it spotted a boa constrictor.中午12点,爱生气的瓢虫发现了一只蟒蛇。

"Hey you,"said the grouchy ladybug."Want to fight?"嗨,你。想打一架吗?

"If you insis-s-s-t,"said the snake,"right after lunch."如果你想,那吃完午饭就来吧。蟒蛇慢条斯理地说。

"Oh,you're not big enough,"said the grouchy ladybug and flew off.噢,你还是太小了,算了吧。瓢虫说完,飞走了。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第11张

At one o'clock,it happened upon a hyena.下午1点,爱生气的瓢虫碰到了一只土狼。

"Hey you,"said the grouchy ladybug."Want to fight?"嗨,你。想打一架吗?

"If you insist,"said the hyena,laughing eerily and showing its teeth.如果你想,那就来吧。土狼阴阴地笑了,露出自己的牙齿。

"Oh,you're not big enough,"said the grouchy ladybug and flew off.噢,你还是太小了,算了吧。瓢虫说完,飞走了。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第12张

At two o'clock,it met a gorilla.下午2点,爱生气的瓢虫碰到了一只大猩猩

"Hey you,"said the grouchy ladybug."Want to fight?"嗨,你。想打一架吗?

"If you insist,"said the gorilla,beating its chest.如果你想,那就来吧。大猩猩一边拍着自己的胸脯一边说。

"Oh,you're not big enough,"said the grouchy ladybug and flew off.噢,你还是太小了,算了吧。瓢虫说完,飞走了。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第13张

At three o'clock it ran into a rhioceros.下午3点,爱生气的瓢虫撞上了犀牛。

"Hey you,",said the grouchy ladybug."Want to fight?"嗨,你。想打一架吗?

"If you insist,"said the rhinocreos,lowering its horn.如果你想,那就来吧,犀牛说着压低它的牛角。

"Oh,you're not big enough,"said the grouchy ladybug and flew off.噢,你还是太小了,算了吧。瓢虫说完,飞走了。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第14张

At four o'clock,it encountered an elephant.下午4点,爱生气的瓢虫遇到了一只大象。

"Hey you,"said the grouchy ladybug."Want to fight?"嗨,你。想打一架吗?

"If you insist,"said the elephant,raising its trunk and showing its big tusks.如果你想,那就来吧。大象一边说,一边抬起自己的鼻子,露出那长长的象牙。

"Oh,you're not big enough,"said the grouchy ladybug and flew off.噢,你还是太小了,算了吧。瓢虫说完,飞走了。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第15张

At five o'clockit met a whale.下午5点,爱生气的瓢虫碰到了一只鲸鱼。

"Hey you,"said the grouchy ladybug."Want to fight?"嗨,你。想打一架吗?

But the whale didn't answer at all.鲸鱼完全没有理它。

"Oh,you're not big enough,"said the grouchy ladybug and flew off.噢,你还是太小了,算了吧。瓢虫说完,飞走了。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第16张

At five fifteen the grouchy ladybug said to one of the whale's flippers,5点15分,瓢虫对着鲸鱼的前鳍嚷嚷:

"Hey you,Want to fight?"嗨,你想和我打一架吗?But it got no answer.So it flew on.没有人回答它,于是它继续往前飞。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第17张

At five thirty the grouchy ladybug said to the whale's fin, ""Hey you,Want to fight?"


But it got to answer. So it flew on.


《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第18张

At a quarter to six the grouchy ladybug said to the whale's tail.5点45分,瓢虫对着鲸鱼的尾巴嚷道:

"Hey you,Want to fight?"嗨,你想和我打一架吗?

And the whale's tail gave the grouchy ladybug such a SLAP...鲸鱼的尾巴重重的拍了瓢虫一下。

...that it flew across the sea and across the land.它飞过了大海,飞过了大地。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第19张

At six o'clock the grouchy ladybug arrived right back where it had started from.下午6点,爱生气的瓢虫又飞回到它开始出发的那个地方。

"Ah,here you are again,"said the friendly ladybug.嗨,你又回来了,友善的瓢虫说,

"You must be hungry.There are still some aphids left.You can have them for dinner."“你肯定饿了,这里还有蚜虫,就当是你的晚餐吧。”

"Oh,thank you,"said the wet,tired,and hungry ladybug.哦,谢谢你,又湿又累又饿的瓢虫说。

《The Grouchy Ladybug》 第20张

Soon all the aphids were gone.不一会儿,所有的蚜虫就被消灭了。

"Thank you,"said the leaf.树叶开心地对它们说:“谢谢”

"You are welcome,"answered both ladybugs,and they went to sleep.别客气”瓢虫们说完,就去睡了。

The fireflies,who had been sleeping all day,came out to dance around the moon.睡了整整一天的萤火虫醒了,又开始围着月亮翩翩起舞。

促销价:20 积分 原价:50 积分


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